Thursday, March 12, 2020

Minecart Challenge

 So the objective of this challenge is to build a minecart that will carry 12 gold bricks thro the tracks and get all 12 of them in the truck at the end
 This is what the truck looks like.

But near the end the is a drop where you'll have to build something like this to make sure the minecart and ALL 12 bricks get to the truck safely.

whole template:

Friday, March 6, 2020


So what I did to complete this was make a base out of rubber and the attach it to the ground using springs that had there dampening all the way up to stop the base from moving a lot and then made other boxes out of helium and then also attached them to the base with springs. I used the springs in a tactical way so when I start the simulation they will spring out of the build zone and add height to the barrier. The two springs that look very stretched out have their target length at the lowest it can be so when I press start they will spring up to close that distance that they can't be at.

I also did the same for the second box
And these are the results I got:

Wednesday, March 4, 2020


Rainbows was learning on how to use white colored lasers and glass prisms in different shapes to get a rainbow to appear.