Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Coding unit questions

I feel like I've accomplished a basic understanding of coding and the many challenges that come with it. the challenges that I had faced was building some of the robots because sometimes the instructions were clear for me. like how to put the front legs of the turtle.

2) I have learned that coding is in basically everything we use in our daily lives, phones ,PCs ,cars ,even coffee makers use code.

3) what I enjoyed the most about Lego Mindstorms is the possibility to make your unique robot if you wanted to. 

4) the biggest challenge a bout the turtle was getting it to move because of the texture of the floor. the way I over came this was by experimenting with different "front legs" and by making the back legs move backwards instead of forwards. yes I was successful for the most part just wasn't able to get it the sense the block on camera.

5)I definitely had more challenging moments with Swift Playgrounds because sometimes the coding process could get confusing for me. for me personally I over came them by trail and error.

6) I feel the whole point of coding is to experiment and try new things not so much as redo's.

7) in the future I might want to try to code again but currently right now its not in my interests.

8)I think that Swift is based of C# which is what Unity uses. I feel that code should take simplistic form so it'll be easier to read and write. for "run fast"  I personally don't know how I would write this one.

Algodoo day 1